I quit my housemanship.
Friday, October 20, 2023I quit housemanship. Yes you read it right. I quit housemanship after my maternity leave last year. 1st July 2022, I am officially a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom). It was a tough decision actually. But I don't think I'll be able to handle my premature baby and housemanship at the same time. My husband also a houseman at that time so I don't think he can help me a lot (negative thinking really bring me down 😂). I think I have made him a little disappointed with me quitting my job because I know he loves to see me when he's working. We did our housemanship in the same hospital by the way.
So I was quitting with 24 hours notice. I need to pay back my gaji pokok which is RM2987 if I am not mistaken. For those who's asking or wondering what is the process of you quitting your housemanship, you can ask your hospital's sumber on what to do if you are quitting your housemanship.
For my case, I quit 24 hours notice. You can quit with 30 days notice so you don't have to pay back your gaji pokok (will get your last full salary). The procedure in my hospital, you have to get your HOD sign and need to attend couseling session. Best to quit on 1st day of the new month. Like 1st July, 1st August so you don't have to pay extra. Bear in mind, the process of you quitting your housemanship maybe takes 2-5 days to settle. So budget your time so you don't have to pay anything extra.
I'm writing this not to encourage you to quit your housemanship but I just want to share my experienced. I'll share more on the next posting on why did I quit my housemanship. And trust me, please try to not quit your housemanship. I'll tell you why later oki 😌 (from my experiences lah hahah)